If you love fermented, pickled, preserved, cultured, cured, smoked or otherwise deliciously transformed foods, Fermental As Anything events are the place to be!
In Brisbane, we meet to ferment, pickle, preserve, stuff, cure, bake, sprout, smoke, dry, sun-dry, dehydrate, cook, curdle, freeze, grind, brew, store and transform ingredients into delicious and nutritious foods.
Our regular gatherings aim to educate and share fermenting, preserving and transformative food skills with everyone interested in these ancient pre- and probiotic foods and methods.
If you love eating and want to learn or share how to make foods like kim chi, sauerkraut, yoghurt, kefir, stocks, butter, jams and spreads, dips, pesto and sauces, breads, pickles, cheeses, salami, sausages, jerky, biltong, miso, tofu, kombucha, beer, wine, cider and other plonk, mead, honey, tea and coffee, herbs, spices, oils, salts, sprouts, raw and a host of other related foods, this is the place for you!