What is Rewilding?
Re-wilding, as it sounds, is a return to our wilder, more natural ways of life. Rewilding a forest, desert, ocean or farm is to restore healthy natural ecosystems that encourage the total ecology to thrive.
It’s the same for humans. I’m all about educating and empowering people to restore our natural systems of health, movement, human connection and relationship with nature. And no … you don’t have to wear animal skins and live in a cave!
Too much of the modern world is having a detrimental impact on our mental, physical and soulful health. Rewilding is a return to our innate human nature and potential through restoring gut health, natural or primal movement, healthy sleep, quality human connections (right tribe) and reconnecting with nature.
To achieve rewilding, as well as my own practices, I wholeheartedly advocate and encourage plugging into many wonderful global empowerment movements like:
– Natural Human or Primal Movement
– Minimalism, Downshifting, Simplicity and Decluttering
– Slow Food and Slow Living
– Longevity Science
– Evolutionary Anthropology
– Humanism
– Permaculture
– Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong and similar traditions
– Kindness and Compassion
– Meditation, Breathwork and much more
I invite you on this amazing journey to rediscover and embrace our unique and collective human mind, body and heart.