Good Old Vinegar

One of the best decisions we made a long time ago was to minimize using cleaning chemicals in our home as much as possible. As a disinfectant and surface cleaner in our kitchen, bathroom and general house, we only use a mix of white vinegar with a few drops of tea tree oil and lavender oil added. Sometimes we also add lemon juice. Vinegar and the oils will kill and prevent bacteria much better than chemical sprays, as well as deter flies and other insects, and aids in your home being toxin-free.

The same mix can be sprayed in your shower, then a little bi-carb soda added for scrubbing. It removes and deters mould very well and smells and feels a lot fresher than chemical options. And for those after toilet use smells, we have a small spray bottle on the toilet with a mix of water and natural essential oils (usually lavender and some kind of citrus) which we mist in the air after using the toilet. It’s a greater chemical and toxin-free alternative and the bathroom always smells fresh, clean and natural.

Does vinegar really work?

Yes! Here’s a few hard facts about vinegar to prove it’s a great green option:

  • Vinegar has been used for thousands of years as a disinfectant, antibacterial and preserving agent.
  • Vinegar is an acidic liquid produced from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its key ingredient, acetic acid (ethanoic acid).
  • Vinegar kills 99% of surface bacteria, including Salmonella, Shigella and E. Coli bacteria.
  • Acids break down grease and bacteria. Molds, grease and bacteria are no match for the cleaning power of vinegar.
  • Vinegar is 100% biodegradable and harmless to the environment.
  • Vinegar is an effective and safe grass and weed killer.
  • It won’t harm your plumbing and is great for dissolving water mineral and lime deposits in drains, sinks and shower heads.
  • Vinegar is also cheap! A big bottle of plain white vinegar (2L) costs less than $2 and usually lasts over a month.