Go Vego for Health & Vitality

A large proportion of the world’s population live on a vegetarian diet and have done so for many generation, even thousands of years. This lifestyle probably developed as a response to the availability of food, living and storage conditions, as well as religious, cultural, philosophical and even economic factors.

The term vegetarian is not specific. It encompasses a wide range of diets which practice differing degrees of restriction and variety. If you are considering a change of lifestyle to vegetarianism, or at least eating more animal product-free meals, it is recommended that you first discuss your diet with a suitable healthcare professional, such as a nutritionist.

With one of the cleanest and most varied food supplies in the world, it is no wonder that more and more Australians are enjoying more vegetarian meals. Some, as a change once or more times per week, and others, exclusively.

The availability of an enormous range of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as an ever-increasing range of breads, cereals, dairy products and other non-animal foods, make planning and enjoying vegetarian meals easier than ever.

Food for a well-balanced healthy vegetarian diet can be obtained from regular food stores, such as supermarkets. There is no need to purchase from specialised shops or pay more, unless you want more specialised or organic foods, which are simply not available in most supermarkets yet.

One of the main complaints people have about being or eating more vegetarian is variety, but it doesn’t have to be that way. if you’ve ever been to a really good vegetarian restaurant, or experienced the food from famous vegetarian-style cultures, such as Taoists and Buddhists, or the Hare Krishnas, you’re know that variety is the least of a vegetarian’s challenges.

There is also a myth that vegetarians are less healthy than meat eaters. This is simply not true, and in fact, the oldest living people on the earth, both collectively, such as the Okinawans, and individually, anywhere in the world, are almost completely or are strictly vegetarians. The strongest animals in the world, of any species, are also vegetarian. I was having a discussion with a young woman a few months ago about vegetarianism, and she said, “Oh, my mother can always pick a vegetarian.” I enquired how and said answered, “Because they always look so sickly, weak, tired and anaemic.” Interesting theory, but very wrong.

In future posts on our blog we’ll be exploring some interesting (and challenging) concepts, origins, philosophies, practices and theories on vegetarianism. Stay tuned!